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1 654098 $99,000.00 LOT 6300854 Woodcock Mountain Rd,Blooming Grove Carole McCann
2 106816 $39,900.00 SFH 28 Farm Lane,Washingtonville Carole McCann
3 661186 $629,000.00 SFH 6279436 25 Canterbury Road,Fort Montgomery Sharon Satkowski
4 650025 $439,700.00 SFH 6275882 21 North Street,Washingtonville Carole McCann
5 650988 $513,000.00 SFH 6266710 2785 Rt. 94,Washingtonville Erica Noe
6 661183 $1,150,000.00 SFH 3280880 321 Museum Village Road,Monroe Nanette Rann
7 663752 $599,000.00 COMM 6284226 26 Hollis Street,Highland Mills Kevin Abrams
8 651227 $440,000.00 COND 6288143 18 Helene Circle,Highland Mills Joanne Cooper
9 656236 $419,900.00 SFH 6278873 15 Winchester Way,Washingtonville Carole McCann